Custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks
Custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks

custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks

Another addition to the map is Widows Wine, a new perk that shoots a web slowing zombies if a player is hit. Shadows of Evil also improved the shield to include a rocket boost, allowing players to knock down zombies. This is the first change to pack-a-punch since its debut in Der Riese. The first use costs 5000 points to upgrade the weapon and the second use costs 2500 points to add an alternative ammo type. Pack-a-punch changed and allowed players to upgrade their weapons twice. Each perk jingle is replaced with a new jazz version. The implementation of jazz music as a way to immerse the player into the 1940’s is another excellent touch to the map’s design.

custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks

The brightness of the Canal district and the Footlight district contrasts with the dark Waterfront district in a perfect way. The style of a 1940’s city is perfectly executed as the three districts shine in their own unique way. The four characters are tricked into releasing the Shadowman from the Summoning Key, and team up to trap him back inside through the Easter Egg. The cast of Nero Blackstone, Jessica Rose, Jack Vincent and Floyd Campbell are in a nightmare version of their city by the Shadowman, Black Ops III’s antagonist.

custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks

The map focuses on Morg City, a city filled with corruption and murder. Shadows of Evil is the launch map of Call of Duty: Black Ops III. But Kino der Toten still stands tall in the eyes of zombies fans. However, as time progressed, more maps released and replaced it.

custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks

When Kino der Toten was released, it was the pinnacle of zombies. The pack-a-punched version of the Thundergun, the Zeus Cannon, allowed players to become practically invincible. Kino der Toten also introduced the Thundergun, a wonder weapon that blasts zombies away from the player. This map also helped push training to new heights as the stage is the preferred area to train for high rounds. New players were able to hop on Kino der Toten and play with ease, leading this map to become one of the most iconic maps in zombies history. The ease of the map sharply contrasts the other launch map Five’s difficulty. Kino der Toten also features the Ultimis crew with Dempsey, Takeo, Richtofen, and Nikolai continuing the storyline after the events in Der Riese. It has features similar to Der Riese with the mystery box, the teleporter and the pack-a-punch machine. This map has a simple design of a ruined theater after the zombie outbreak. Kino der Toten is a launch map on Call of Duty: Black Ops. There are currently 33 zombies maps in the Black Ops series, but only one can be the best zombies map of all time. Throughout the years, Call of Duty Zombies has seen a lot of growth from a sidemode to a game mode with a passionate fanbase. Call of Duty Zombies started in World at War and became a mainstay in the Black Ops series.

Custom zombie maps waw with lots of perks